Translated Norwegian Legislation Norwegian legislation in other languages

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The translations are unofficial and may not be fully updated.

The symbol Lovdata marks a link to the updated Norwegian act at The Lovdata Foundation.

16.7. 1936 no. 2 Lovdata
NOR Lov om pliktmessig avhold for personer i visse stillinger fra nytelse av alkohol eller annet berusende eller bedøvende middel [Avholdspliktloven]
ENG Act of 16th July, 1936, respecting obligatory abstinence from indulgence in alcoholic liquors or other intoxicating or tranquilizing substances for persons in certain positions
Note: Extract only

2.6. 1989 no. 27 Lovdata
NOR Lov om omsetning av alkoholholdig drikk m.v. [Alkoholloven]
ENG Act on the sale of alcoholic beverages [Alcohol Act]
Unofficial translation - June 2007

Number of acts found: 4