@echo off rem : TeXcount.bat: Windows batch script to run TeXcount rem : rem : Script will run TeXcount, write output to a temporary rem : html file, and display this in the default web browser rem : (provided html files are associated with this). rem : Define tc to be the command to run TeXcount rem : - If installed e.g. with MikTeX set tc=texcount rem : - If Perl script texcount.pl is in PATH rem set tc=texcount.pl rem : - If not in PATH, give full path and file name, e.g. rem set tc="C:/Program Files/TeXcount/texcount.pl" rem : Set temporary file (%temp%=temporary file directory) set tempdoc=%temp%\texcount_details.html rem : Run TeXcount with -html and other desired options %tc% -sub -inc -v -html -dir %1 > %tempdoc% rem : Open temporary HTML document start %tempdoc% rem : Pause if you want to see output (e.g. error messages) rem pause