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Info page for variable 7956120 (#1006)

Internal ID: 1006
Label in dataset: 7956120
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Accession Number: NM_001982
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Gene Information: Entrez ID 2065
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Gene Symbol ERBB3, v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 3 (avian)
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miRBase: Accession -na-
Chromosome location:
Chromosome Location
12 56,473,891 (sense)
12 56,473,891 (sense)
KEGG Pathways:
Pathway Description
04020 Calcium signaling pathway
04012 ErbB signaling pathway
04144 Endocytosis
Gene Ontology:
GOID Evidence Ontology Description(GO Term)
GO:0007165 IDAInferred from Direct Assay BPBiological Process signal transduction
GO:0006468 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process protein amino acid phosphorylation
GO:0007162 IDAInferred from Direct Assay BPBiological Process negative regulation of cell adhesion
GO:0007169 ISSInferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity BPBiological Process transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling pathway
GO:0007409 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process axonogenesis
GO:0007422 ISSInferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity BPBiological Process peripheral nervous system development
GO:0007507 ISSInferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity BPBiological Process heart development
GO:0007519 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process skeletal muscle tissue development
GO:0007623 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process circadian rhythm
GO:0042493 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process response to drug
GO:0009968 IDAInferred from Direct Assay BPBiological Process negative regulation of signal transduction
GO:0014037 ISSInferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity BPBiological Process Schwann cell differentiation
GO:0014065 IDAInferred from Direct Assay BPBiological Process phosphoinositide 3-kinase cascade
GO:0014068 TASTraceable Author Statement BPBiological Process positive regulation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase cascade
GO:0046326 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process positive regulation of glucose import
GO:0021545 ISSInferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity BPBiological Process cranial nerve development
GO:0032869 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process cellular response to insulin stimulus
GO:0042060 NASNon-traceable Author Statement BPBiological Process wound healing
GO:0042127 IDAInferred from Direct Assay BPBiological Process regulation of cell proliferation
GO:0042476 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process odontogenesis
GO:0043524 ISSInferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity BPBiological Process negative regulation of neuron apoptosis
GO:0043586 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process tongue development
GO:0051048 IDAInferred from Direct Assay BPBiological Process negative regulation of secretion
GO:0051402 IMPInferred from Mutant Phenotype BPBiological Process neuron apoptosis
GO:0060056 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process mammary gland involution
GO:0005886 TASTraceable Author Statement CCCellular Component plasma membrane
GO:0005576 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation CCCellular Component extracellular region
GO:0005887 TASTraceable Author Statement CCCellular Component integral to plasma membrane
GO:0005615 IDAInferred from Direct Assay CCCellular Component extracellular space
GO:0005634 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation CCCellular Component nucleus
GO:0016323 IDAInferred from Direct Assay CCCellular Component basolateral plasma membrane
GO:0016324 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation CCCellular Component apical plasma membrane
GO:0016328 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation CCCellular Component lateral plasma membrane
GO:0043235 ISSInferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity CCCellular Component receptor complex
GO:0045211 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation CCCellular Component postsynaptic membrane
GO:0000166 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation MFMolecular Function nucleotide binding
GO:0005515 IPIInferred from Physical Interaction MFMolecular Function protein binding
GO:0004713 IDAInferred from Direct Assay MFMolecular Function protein tyrosine kinase activity
GO:0004714 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation MFMolecular Function transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase activity
GO:0004716 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation MFMolecular Function receptor signaling protein tyrosine kinase activity
GO:0004888 ISSInferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity MFMolecular Function transmembrane receptor activity
GO:0019838 IPIInferred from Physical Interaction MFMolecular Function growth factor binding
GO:0019838 ISSInferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity MFMolecular Function growth factor binding
GO:0005524 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation MFMolecular Function ATP binding
GO:0016740 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation MFMolecular Function transferase activity
GO:0030296 IDAInferred from Direct Assay MFMolecular Function protein tyrosine kinase activator activity
GO:0042803 NASNon-traceable Author Statement MFMolecular Function protein homodimerization activity
GO:0046982 IDAInferred from Direct Assay MFMolecular Function protein heterodimerization activity
GO:0046982 IPIInferred from Physical Interaction MFMolecular Function protein heterodimerization activity
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Correlation Browser: Daniel Sachse, Sjur Reppe, Kåre Gautvik - 2013.

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