Translated Norwegian Legislation Norwegian legislation in other languages

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The translations are unofficial and may not be fully updated.

The symbol Lovdata marks a link to the updated Norwegian act at The Lovdata Foundation.

28.4. 1961 no. 2
NOR Lov om psykisk helsevern
Note: Opphevet ved lov-1999-07-02-62
ENG Mental health act
Note: Annulled by Act 1999-07-02-62

2.7. 1999 no. 62 Lovdata
NOR Lov om etablering og gjennomføring av psykisk helsevern [Psykisk helsevernloven]
ENG Act relating to the provision and implementation of mental health care, with later amendments [Mental Health Care Act]
Translation date: November 2007

Number of acts found: 4