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Info page for variable 8012257 (#12300)

Internal ID: 12300
Label in dataset: 8012257
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Accession Number: NM_000546
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Gene Information: Entrez ID 7157
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Gene Symbol TP53, tumor protein p53
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miRBase: Accession -na-
Chromosome location:
Chromosome Location
17 -7,571,719 (antisense)
17 -7,571,719 (antisense)
KEGG Pathways:
Pathway Description
04010 MAPK signaling pathway
04110 Cell cycle
04115 p53 signaling pathway
04210 Apoptosis
04310 Wnt signaling pathway
04722 Neurotrophin signaling pathway
05014 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
05016 Huntington's disease
05200 Pathways in cancer
05210 Colorectal cancer
05212 Pancreatic cancer
05213 Endometrial cancer
05214 Glioma
05215 Prostate cancer
05216 Thyroid cancer
05217 Basal cell carcinoma
05218 Melanoma
05219 Bladder cancer
05220 Chronic myeloid leukemia
05222 Small cell lung cancer
05223 Non-small cell lung cancer
Gene Ontology:
GOID Evidence Ontology Description(GO Term)
GO:0000060 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process protein import into nucleus, translocation
GO:0051276 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process chromosome organization
GO:0000122 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0001701 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process in utero embryonic development
GO:0001756 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process somitogenesis
GO:0001836 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process release of cytochrome c from mitochondria
GO:0002309 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process T cell proliferation involved in immune response
GO:0002326 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process B cell lineage commitment
GO:0002347 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process response to tumor cell
GO:0002360 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process T cell lineage commitment
GO:0051726 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process regulation of cell cycle
GO:0006915 IDAInferred from Direct Assay BPBiological Process apoptosis
GO:0008104 IDAInferred from Direct Assay BPBiological Process protein localization
GO:0006284 TASTraceable Author Statement BPBiological Process base-excision repair
GO:0006289 IMPInferred from Mutant Phenotype BPBiological Process nucleotide-excision repair
GO:0006302 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process double-strand break repair
GO:0006355 IDAInferred from Direct Assay BPBiological Process regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent
GO:0006461 IDAInferred from Direct Assay BPBiological Process protein complex assembly
GO:0006974 IDAInferred from Direct Assay BPBiological Process response to DNA damage stimulus
GO:0006978 IMPInferred from Mutant Phenotype BPBiological Process DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator resulting in transcription of p21 class mediator
GO:0006983 IDAInferred from Direct Assay BPBiological Process ER overload response
GO:0007050 IDAInferred from Direct Assay BPBiological Process cell cycle arrest
GO:0007050 IMPInferred from Mutant Phenotype BPBiological Process cell cycle arrest
GO:0007265 IEPInferred from Expression Pattern BPBiological Process Ras protein signal transduction
GO:0007275 IMPInferred from Mutant Phenotype BPBiological Process multicellular organismal development
GO:0007369 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process gastrulation
GO:0007406 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process negative regulation of neuroblast proliferation
GO:0007417 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process central nervous system development
GO:0007569 IMPInferred from Mutant Phenotype BPBiological Process cell aging
GO:0008156 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process negative regulation of DNA replication
GO:0008283 TASTraceable Author Statement BPBiological Process cell proliferation
GO:0008629 TASTraceable Author Statement BPBiological Process induction of apoptosis by intracellular signals
GO:0008635 IDAInferred from Direct Assay BPBiological Process activation of caspase activity by cytochrome c
GO:0009303 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process rRNA transcription
GO:0042493 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process response to drug
GO:0009651 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process response to salt stress
GO:0009792 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process embryo development ending in birth or egg hatching
GO:0010165 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process response to X-ray
GO:0010332 IMPInferred from Mutant Phenotype BPBiological Process response to gamma radiation
GO:0010552 IDAInferred from Direct Assay BPBiological Process positive regulation of gene-specific transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0042981 IDAInferred from Direct Assay BPBiological Process regulation of apoptosis
GO:0030154 TASTraceable Author Statement BPBiological Process cell differentiation
GO:0030308 IMPInferred from Mutant Phenotype BPBiological Process negative regulation of cell growth
GO:0030330 IDAInferred from Direct Assay BPBiological Process DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator
GO:0030512 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process negative regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway
GO:0031065 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process positive regulation of histone deacetylation
GO:0031571 IMPInferred from Mutant Phenotype BPBiological Process mitotic cell cycle G1/S DNA damage checkpoint
GO:0033077 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process T cell differentiation in the thymus
GO:0034644 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process cellular response to UV
GO:0035264 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process multicellular organism growth
GO:0042149 IDAInferred from Direct Assay BPBiological Process cellular response to glucose starvation
GO:0042771 IDAInferred from Direct Assay BPBiological Process DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator resulting in induction of apoptosis
GO:0043066 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process negative regulation of apoptosis
GO:0043525 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process positive regulation of neuron apoptosis
GO:0044419 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process interspecies interaction between organisms
GO:0045944 IDAInferred from Direct Assay BPBiological Process positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0046902 TASTraceable Author Statement BPBiological Process regulation of mitochondrial membrane permeability
GO:0048147 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation BPBiological Process negative regulation of fibroblast proliferation
GO:0051262 TASTraceable Author Statement BPBiological Process protein tetramerization
GO:0051097 TASTraceable Author Statement BPBiological Process negative regulation of helicase activity
GO:0005739 IDAInferred from Direct Assay CCCellular Component mitochondrion
GO:0005829 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation CCCellular Component cytosol
GO:0005783 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation CCCellular Component endoplasmic reticulum
GO:0005626 IDAInferred from Direct Assay CCCellular Component insoluble fraction
GO:0005634 IDAInferred from Direct Assay CCCellular Component nucleus
GO:0005737 IDAInferred from Direct Assay CCCellular Component cytoplasm
GO:0005654 EXPInferred from Experiment CCCellular Component nucleoplasm
GO:0005654 IDAInferred from Direct Assay CCCellular Component nucleoplasm
GO:0005657 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation CCCellular Component replication fork
GO:0005669 IDAInferred from Direct Assay CCCellular Component transcription factor TFIID complex
GO:0005730 IDAInferred from Direct Assay CCCellular Component nucleolus
GO:0016363 IDAInferred from Direct Assay CCCellular Component nuclear matrix
GO:0016604 IDAInferred from Direct Assay CCCellular Component nuclear body
GO:0016605 IDAInferred from Direct Assay CCCellular Component PML body
GO:0043234 IDAInferred from Direct Assay CCCellular Component protein complex
GO:0005515 IPIInferred from Physical Interaction MFMolecular Function protein binding
GO:0000739 IDAInferred from Direct Assay MFMolecular Function DNA strand annealing activity
GO:0002020 IPIInferred from Physical Interaction MFMolecular Function protease binding
GO:0003677 IMPInferred from Mutant Phenotype MFMolecular Function DNA binding
GO:0003682 IDAInferred from Direct Assay MFMolecular Function chromatin binding
GO:0003700 IDAInferred from Direct Assay MFMolecular Function sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity
GO:0051087 IPIInferred from Physical Interaction MFMolecular Function chaperone binding
GO:0046872 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation MFMolecular Function metal ion binding
GO:0005507 IDAInferred from Direct Assay MFMolecular Function copper ion binding
GO:0005524 IDAInferred from Direct Assay MFMolecular Function ATP binding
GO:0008134 IPIInferred from Physical Interaction MFMolecular Function transcription factor binding
GO:0008270 TASTraceable Author Statement MFMolecular Function zinc ion binding
GO:0010843 IDAInferred from Direct Assay MFMolecular Function promoter binding
GO:0016563 IMPInferred from Mutant Phenotype MFMolecular Function transcription activator activity
GO:0019899 IPIInferred from Physical Interaction MFMolecular Function enzyme binding
GO:0019901 IPIInferred from Physical Interaction MFMolecular Function protein kinase binding
GO:0031625 IPIInferred from Physical Interaction MFMolecular Function ubiquitin protein ligase binding
GO:0035033 IEAInferred from Electronic Annotation MFMolecular Function histone deacetylase regulator activity
GO:0035035 IPIInferred from Physical Interaction MFMolecular Function histone acetyltransferase binding
GO:0046982 IPIInferred from Physical Interaction MFMolecular Function protein heterodimerization activity
GO:0047485 IPIInferred from Physical Interaction MFMolecular Function protein N-terminus binding
GO:0051721 IPIInferred from Physical Interaction MFMolecular Function protein phosphatase 2A binding
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Correlation Browser: Daniel Sachse, Sjur Reppe, Kåre Gautvik - 2013.

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